Monday, July 20, 2020

Why relationships have many expectations?

Hey Midnighters...
I hope those who are reading my blog will be doing fine, or those who aren't... I wish for them. 
There is one thing I'm wondering about, Why billions of people from this world want to loved by someone else? This is my question and those who are reading this, they are free to give me an answer.

So... I don't know about myself, that I wanted to loved or not. But One thing that I'm sure about I'm scared.


Hell scared to be loved by anyone. What makes me scared? Seriously don't know.  Isn't like you Owe someone?

You are being loved... In return the next person also wanted to be loved. Like give and take.

I know! I know!! It's sound weird but don't you think... It's truth.

Can't we have someone is our life who has Zero.. Yeah! Zero expectations with us? It's bit impossible but, I want someone like this. Who has Zero expectations with me, but stays in my sad, funny, happy and all moments. I would love. Some of will say, Go get a ROBO.

I mean, I'm tired. Tired to be around of those people, who time to time have their expectations with me. And they don't want to tell or express it. They want me to figure out, that what they want?!!!

Am I what? I don't have that power called telepathy. I'm just a human and I don't expect that people do anything to me. I don't like to Owe someone.

It's bit different feeling but I'm feeling this way and I can not help it. I know, in another way I'm also expecting. Expecting to someone that not have any kind of expectations from me. 

Why I hate the idea of being with someone?

Well... I saw many people, they were once happiest ones. But, when they include or add someone in their life, their live went miserable. I can still see them crying, they're devastated in their own. Love is fine, but you can't forget yourself. They invest their everything in the relationship, just to get some love and to be loved. But, in the end, only some of them achieve what they're expecting. 

I'm not the against of love or whatever. But, the only thing I don't want, forget ourselves. There's one more thing, You can't love anyone until you don't know how to love Yourself.

You're yours first priority

No matter in what relationship you are in, don't forget yourself. The only thing i wanna say, You comes first

You can't leave you out to be someone's mother, father, brother, husband, lover, wife and whatever you are. These all the relationships started with feelings then turned into responsibility. Most of them will not agree with this, which i can totally understand. 
These relationships becomes burden for us when we starts neglecting ourselves.
The true You.

When we forget what we are, then the real war starts, which is against us. And those who suffers most are same people whom we love or used to love.

Whole in sole: In the world of billions, why people want to loved by someone else, but not love themselves?

Whatever i said, I didn't mean to be self obsessed. There is huge difference, and we all know it. The thing I'm saying is, not let yourself down, don't invest yourself in relationships/ other things that much, that end of day they start to hurt you or start questioning you.

(You can share your thoughts on this, and correct me where i was wrong. I will appreciate every single thoughts of yours. PS; Please, don't mind my grammar mistakes) 

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