Friday, June 12, 2020

Convo with LIFE #2


Me - Nobody wants me. Nothing is going right, there is no one who understands me. I think there is no reason to live. I should...

Life - 3 days ago you had planted a tree. Who'll water it after you?

Me - ...!!

Life - Oh!! you want to take that plant with you.

Me - How can I ...

Life (Interrupts in middle) - So you're that selfish!! You don't care about innocent plant, whom you cherished while planting it. Don't forget, you've made a promise to that plant, that you want too the plant into Big tree. Wants to read a book and play JENGA under the tree when you grow old.

Me to Life, Traces of my soul #2

Me - But, you should think about my situation too.

Life - What about that plant? Who is waiting for you, that you'll come and talk to him while watering it.
Some time you have to think about others too. What will happen when you take your life? People will come, cry and leave. But, those who are living cause of you, You're the reason of their life.
There are some who wants you and for your situation, like I always said... It's life, you've to deal and face every pros and cons of life. 

Me - We're not same. 

Life - You had faced some problems, did lil struggle and got bored, then you've start talking like coward, who wants to run away. You're talking about to get rid of your life. You know what, You're abandoning me.

Me - I am not, but life has. I've to do struggle on every single step, and It's... It's tearing me apart. I am tired now, I don't want this kind of life. 

Life - What you know about life? You think you are the only one who's dealing with all hardships? Then think about this tiny plant. Which is going to be a tree some day. These plants and trees has their own struggle, they have to face Heavy downpour, strong winds, Thunderstorms, melting sunny days, But.. this tree will not budge. They stands still, why? Cause they made themselves strong, made their roots strong. So, that no one can shake them from there places. When they can, then why don't you? Why don't you make yourself that strong that?
Make your roots strong so that no one, not even 100 problems able to shake you. Learn to face the things, whether they're good or bad.

Me - ... ah

Life - You can thank me, if you want to. Huh?

Me - I think I should go and help my Plant to make his roots strong!!

After getting a new lesson from life, And I ran towards my plants to water them.
"I will not forget what I've learnt today, It was simple but a deep lesson for me and for everyone who's thinking or trying to get rid of their lives. Life is Precious, We don't have a right to abuse our live by mistreating it."

Life (Screams)- But I deserve a Thank you!!!!!!

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