Sunday, July 05, 2020

Books You Must Read

Frankly speaking, Since I stopped myself going out, having fun with friends, when I confined myself in my own... These books helped me alot. I worked on myself and still working on. I've created my own fantasy world with my own created FICTIONAL CHARACTERS. Not only this Books helped me to wide my knowledge. 

Why You should Read?

Reading is like meditating, it's best exercise for brain. You can broad your knowledge by reading books. You travel to whole world even all the galaxies, starts, moons by sitting at your favorite place and sipping your coffee. You are surrounded by many types of things, people, But a book can takes you away from all these. A book will provide you to find yourself, gives you freedom, taught you about your choices, makes you more imaginative.

You will learn the meaning of silence, the power of silence. Once you devote yourself into reading, you'll find yourself at another planet, No matter what your are, where you are. Whether you are extrovert or introvert. You may not have a many friends but a book will never leave your side, you'll experience love, the depth of  silence, sorrow, happiness and book will let you to explore the emotions. A good book always teach you something, it has a silent power with words.

 You'll learn language, vocabulary , you'll learn beyond your academics, you'll know what was unknown to you.

When I started to read?

I'd never thought, that I'll feel the calm from books. So, back in My starting days of my College when I was avoiding some peoples, I used to hide myself in library. At first I only get a sleep there, but CCTV monitoring us every time what we  are doing where. Plus I also got scolded by teacher for sleeping there. Then I took a for just show off , I pretend to read. But when I read the quote, it made to find the book and read it ASAP. It was from student magazine, and that Quote was-

Desire, when it stems from heart and spirit, when it's pure and intense , possesses awesome electromagnetic energy. This energy is released into the ether each night , as the mind feels into the sleep state. Each morning it returns to the conscious state reinforce with the cosmic currents. That which has been imaged will surely and certainly be manifested. You can rely, young man, upon this ageless promise as surely as you can rely upon the eternally unbroken promise of sunrise and the spring. 
 - Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Wings of fire

This is from the book of India's former and late Scientist Dr APJ Abdul Kalam's Wings of fire. I've always heard of this book but never tried to read it. But that day, after these lines from his book, change my mind and led me into the world of reading. Trust me, this book is really something, you'll get something from this book that will makes your life better. 

Book I recommend to read.

  • Who will cry when you die - Robin Sharma
  • The Alchemist - Poulo Coelho
  • Dairy of Young girl - Anne Frank
  • Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austin
  • Macbeth (Drama) - William Shakespeare
  • Becoming - Michelle Obama
  • To kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee
  • Wings of fire - APJ Abdul Kalam
  • 21 Lessons for the 21 Century - Yuval Noah  Harari.

Who will cry when you die

From the author of world famous book " A Monk who sold his Ferrari" Robin Sharma written this book. Who will cry when you die teach you, how you should led a prosperous life in simple way. It tells how to lead the life having a propose, it will change you perception about life. 

The Alchemist 

This book by 'Poulo Coelho', It's inspirational story of young Spanish Shepherd. It's a must have books on your shelf. It's best international seller book, translated in 70 languages. The agenda of this book, finding destiny, the purpose of life.  The young boys journey towards the pyramid in Egypt after having a recurring dream of finding a treasure there. Young boy follows his dream until the end even if he faced a lot of difficulties and sufferings.The Alchemist also tells about true love, true love will not stop nor must one sacrifice to it ones personal destiny.

Diary of a Young girl

This book was written when Anne Frank was hiding with her family during the time Nazi occupation in Netherlands. It was originally written in Dutch. A teen who's more mature than any adult. The end of this book ache your heart, your soul hurts on her death, you will refuse to forget about those nasty war lords. 

Pride and Prejudice 

I read this romantic novel in my collage days. This book was in our syllabus. The novel set in England in 19 Century, written by Jane Austen . Both Protagonist has common quality that they judge each other hastily. The sob-sob of Elizabeth is too common, like many female Protagonist, But there is a thing I like about her, She learns from her mistakes. Darcy initiates to fix the misunderstanding and apologizes when he's wrong.


Human life can be this Foul and Fair we can learn from this Shakespeare's Play. This play tells that crime you have committed never pays you anything. But, personally my favorite character is Lady Macbeth, The way she challenged her husband General Macbeth to assassinate the King Duncan. Macbeth who receives the Prophecy from 3 Witches that he'll be the King of Scotland. Blinded by the ambition, the power of throne tuns Lady Macbeth into monster. The way she challenged her husband still gives me goosebumps. Macbeth taught us that your guilt will able to eat you alive.


I've learned so many things from Michelle Obama, her life, her journey. She's Epitome of Brilliancy. Becoming , which is First book written by her. I learn from this book that no matter what happen, 'If someone stoop low, then always be high, Life is too short, so Enjoy every moment, Enjoy life.' Progress and change will happen whenever time comes, they'll happen slowly but it will happen and that is sure. Don't disappear when someone needs you, be the voice, raise your voice and help those who're voiceless. This book will provide you many life lessons.

To kill a Mockingbird

This book plot has literal connection  with the Title "To Kill a Mockingbird", it has some similarities between the author and the book, but we should not call this book autobiography. It's story of Tomboy(like lee) who lives in traditional family. This book tells how innocence die with hands of evilness. Mockingbird represents the innocence. This book will teach you that Use your head instead of fist. Violence is not an answer of Violence. What I personally learn and felt that, we should not hurt someone who's innocent. Hurting innocent is same as harming God.

Wings of Fire

Like you all already read in the starting, why I like this book and that's the reason that I am recommending this book to read. The dedication, tolerance. Why you should read this book? Because It's autobiography of India's favorite APJ Abdul Kalam. 

21 Lessons for the 21 Century People

Got this book as gift from my beloved uncle. I heard about this book Barack Obama's Reading list, and I desired to get this book. Anyways, let's talk about Yuval Noah Harari's book, before coming up to this book, you should read and must read Homo Deus. 21 Lessons for the 21 Century People contains everything. It tells as humans where we are going. Harari will talks about war, his academics, about Trump to Putin and Putin to 15th century China was how much slow. You will learn when you read. I'm still reading this book but this book has all the quality to be readed.

These books I recommend to read. I will read if any of you recommend me any. and yes, please tell in the comments which one you've already read. 

Bucket List, Books


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