Monday, July 06, 2020

22 Things Which Makes Me Happy

What makes you happy?

 You feel happiest when you have achieved something that you have been working towards, whether it's a material or personal goal. But it's not all about you... happiness also comes when you have helped someone else to feel happy, for example, playing with your children or watching your friends enjoy themselves at a party you've organised. You like to feel emotionally connected to the people and things around you. Be careful that you don't rely too much on material things, and that you don't become dissatisfied and unhappy when you fail to achieve your goals. Instead, recognize and celebrate the fact that your love of achievement can be a powerful source of energy, and one that can spur you into creativity.

What is happiness?

The simple answer is, the thing makes you happy is happiness. The thing which has ability to make you smile is happiness. When people are safe, enjoying, successful then they feel that is their happiness. For being happy, you just need to smile, smile alot, then you'll feel this is your happiness. You know what, the feeling of happiness cannot be described by the words. 

List of things which makes me Happy 

1- Smile a lot. Trust me, I do a lot, sometime mom thinks that I'm totally lost my mind, but smiling and laughing out loud makes me more happy. It's like my detox water.

2- Wake up early in the morning and listen bird's Chirping. Now you'll say, Why wake up so early? Because... It's bit different in the morning!! Yess, I used to get up early at my Grandma's place and spend some time by listening bird's chirping. Some birds seems different in the morning.

3- Entertaining People who's sitting behind the CCTV. I was 10 when the thing Called CCTV saw first. My father said, don't do anything bad someone is watching us, I asked who? He pointed out to CCTV. So whenever I passes through CCTV I started to behave nicely, straight walking, walk slowly-slowly, and other nice kid things. But after some time later, I used to make weird faces, funny dance and some time talk to front of camera till my anger goes down. You can do it too, no one but someone watching you and laughing at hard.

4- Wearing Mis-match socks.  Black&white, Orange&Yellow. This habit of mine annoys my mother a lot. Because some time I wore Old with new ones 😉😉. (This is just like my name, Solely Weird)

5- Sleeping in Clean and fresh Bed sheets and Pillow covers.  I feel like that I'm queen, Some one Who can not be touched by anyone. I don't allow even my sister to share bed with me.

6- Going for Walk alone. Even the idea of this makes me happy. I wait whole day just to do this thing. I can enjoy my favorite ice-cream and with lil walk. It's my best time when I talk to myself about me.

7- Giving Flying Kiss to my Mom. It's been few days, since I've started this. When she gets mad on me, I give her Flying kiss in BTS JIN'S way and she starts laughing, forget about her anger on me.

8- Working on my Scripts. I'm a screenwriter, even the thought of writing, story, characters makes me happy. So , you can guess How much enjoy my work...

9- Staring at sky Blankly. Without having any thoughts, Under the sky, Staring at dark sky.

10- Watching my Mother when she cooks for me. It gives me another kind of joy, I can't express it how much I enjoy it more than tasting the food. I've always stand next to her and watch her. My plate and Spoon is always ready, I want to see the food  in my plate as fast as I could.

11- Talking to my plants. When I get bored and had nothing to do, then I bored my plants, I mean talked to them 😜😜. Well I get nothing in return but find some what peace with them. They also watch me, that how I'm growing.

12- Getting Free Candy from Shopkeeper or Salesman. Looks like I got whole universe. Really, Some time when I get free candy. But some time I ask them to give me a candy. I kinda enjoy it. I don't bargain or something, But If I saw the candy Or Lollipop then I'm definitely gonna ask for it.

13- Treating Meal to myself.  Once in while I do. I cook for myself. I prepare feast for me then enjoy with watching my favorite shows.

14- Watching Travel Vlogs. Traveling Vlogs is best thing I watch. At least it has some reality. You can travel from your phone with having a jet lagged.

15- Autumn Breeze. In autumn I love spending my time feeling the breeze of autumn. The smell of autumn always encouraging me to do better. It tells, It's okay to restart again and again, every process teaching you something new.

16- Packing for trips.  Normally people pack their bags only month ago, but like I told you I'm Weird or just this thing gives joy... So I packed at least 4 months ago. I love packing MY BAGS. Organizing things. This thing makes me more excited than any trip.

17- Learning new things. Whether it's new language, Gardening or Blogging, I love this thing about myself, that I never say no to try any new thing which I never heard before,Unless it's not harmful. Curious kid, never let that curious kid inside you die.

18- Enjoying my Green Tea. I'm not a weight loss type person or I don't like dieting. I eat healthy, plus I'm picky eater, it's has nothing to do with my green tea. But the flavor of green tea always attracts me. Green tea cake, Chocolate and Tea, Even in my dreams I can't say no to them.

19- Morning coffee with my mother. Somehow, If i missed my morning coffee with mum, that means It;s not morning for me. At morning I barely talk, but If I can;t see my mum with coffee, I get mad. I ask her to have again a cup of coffee with me. That's is best thing which makes me happy.

20- Taking a nap. For insomniac like me, A short nap is boon. I can't tell you how much happy I feel when Sleep. It's better than getting gifts on birthday.

21- Walking barefoot on beach. I'm sure I'm not only person who did this. I don't need to explain how much we like it. Some did with their loved ones, some of did with friends. I enjoyed alone. It's relaxing more than getting happy with this.

22- Watching Sunset. Not bidding goodbye, but welcoming some new things. New journeys. It tells me, that maybe this day has end but not the end of your dreams. It's a start of many dreams, which makes you shine one day.

Here's these 20 things, which makes me happy. I know after reading these most of you'll think She's mad or Weird. But, I think I don't need to be feel bad or ashamed to share these little but giant source of things which making me happy day by day. If there is something which gives you happiness, then you should not be ashamed of doing that.

I hope you like these. Tell me in comments that, what makes you happy? What is the key of your happiness.

Solely Weird

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