Wednesday, July 08, 2020

22 Things to to when you're bored

At this time when we all are confined at our homes, It's hard to go out this time and have fun with friends. I must say we all are hell bored of lying in bed and scrolling Instagram. We need to rejuvenate ourselves and start doing something to recharge of ourselves.

Here's my list of 20 things to do when your're bored:-

22 Things to do when you're bored

1- Bake your own bread,

2- Re-watch your favorite series,

3- Clean your wardrobe, do some changes 

4- Talk to your plants, flowers, feed them

Flowers, Gardening, Nature

Potato flower, Gardening, Greenery

5- Have a long bath or shower and sing badly that you can!

6- Give yourself a new haircut,

7-Read a book

If you're book lover, then i think you'll never get bored. but if you're hell bored and wants to increase your memory, then you must read book.
reading books like a mental yoga.
reading motivates you, refreshes your mind, some books has power to change your mind, thoughts and gives you new way to see the world and things.

  • Who will cry, when you die - Robin Sharma
  • The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho
  • Diary of a Young girl - Anne Frank
book quotes, Reading, Bucket list

  • Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austin
  • Macbeth(Drama) - William Shakespeare 
  • Becoming - Michelle Obama
  • To kill a Mockingbird - Harper lee
  • Wings of fire - A P J Abdul Kalam
  • 21 Lessons for the 21st Century - Yuval Noah Harari

8- Give a new look to your room

9- Visit your favorite cafe and try new sweets

10- Learn a new language ( I'm learning Spanish)
(Click Here:

11-Take a nap... Long nap

12- Treat a dinner to yourself, you can cook for yourself too

Indian food, Korean Kimchi

13- Write a poem or start writing a Journal 

14- Write a letter to your future self

15- Plan your future trip, travel expenses , food, place and many more

16- Do some Yoga, Stretching 

17- Try face masks (boys can also try)

18- Gaze endlessly at sky, especially when weather is good enjoy the night breeze

Night Sky, Breeze 

19- Get an oil head massage from your mother, oil which suits your hair type( I use herbal oil )

20- Doodle art, Sketching and draw Mandala Art

21- Spend a day, thinking about Yourself, self-realization.

22 - Have a movie or your favorite series marathon

Tell me in comments what you do when you're bored? How's your life going in COVID-19? I hope you guys are well! 


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